NC Healthy Out-of-School Time Recognition Program

Apply to recognize out-of-school time programs for healthy eating and physical activity practices.

Who Is It For?

Any qualified out-of-school time program that wants to be recognized for their healthy eating and physical activity practices can apply for the NC Healthy Out-of-School Time Recognition Program.

How Do You Get It?

Out-of-school time programs that want to be recognized for their healthy eating and physical activity practices can apply for the NC Healthy Out-of-School Time Recognition Program.

How Is It Used?

To guide the development of practices, policies and environments supportive of healthy eating and physical activity in NC out-of-school time programs.

The Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Standards developed by the National Institute for Out-of-School Time programs provide best practices for healthy eating and physical activity. Programs in North Carolina that want to be recognized for meeting the standards can apply for the NC Healthy Out-of-School Time Recognition Program.

If you have questions about NC HOST, please contact