Core Behavior – Eat more healthy foods, less junk and fast food

Today’s typical American diet is often higher in calories than needed and consists of food and beverage choices that lack nutrient-density. These empty calories are mostly from unhealthy fat and sugar. Similar to a financial budget, food choices can be evaluated by their cost to a daily calorie budget. In these terms, foods high in empty calories are also “expensive” calorie choices that may not fit into a daily calorie budget. Tracking food choices can help determine when and how many calories to spend. To meet vital nutrient needs while staying within a calorie budget, choose more nutrient-dense foods, close to their natural state such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats, and low-fat dairy, and limit empty calorie foods.
Bring Fresh Produce to Your Setting Guide
Help to make fresh fruits and vegetables available to buy in your local worksite, place of worship or neighborhood.
Farmers’ Markets
Your farmers’ market is a great place to find fresh fruits and vegetables. Use the tools below to help you plan healthy meals and shop affordably at your local farmers' markets.
Fruits and Veggies Challenge
Motivate employees at your worksite to eat more fruits and vegetables every day.
Growing Communities through Gardens Guide
Start a community garden.
Snacks and Drinks Guide
Learn about healthier snack and drink options.
Stoplight Food Guide
Direct clients to healthier food and drink options with this visual guide.