Eat Smart School Standards

Use these resources to create policies that support healthy eating in schools.

Who Is It For?

Local education agencies, educators, parents, community leaders, industry representatives and policy makers.

How Do You Get It?

This resource is distributed electronically and can be downloaded on this page.

How Is It Used?

Serves as a call to action and a tool to create school environments that support healthy eating.

Eat Smart: North Carolina’s Recommended Standards for All Foods Available in School addresses food and beverages found in traditional cafeteria meals as well as a la carte items, vending machine drinks and snacks, and foods and beverages served in after school programs and at school functions. Download the Eat Smart Standards, as well as several documents providing quick and easy tips on school fundraising, concessions, celebrations and more.

Three state agencies — the North Carolina DHHS Division of Public Health, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction and the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service — collaborated to create this document. Local education agencies are encouraged to use the Eat Smart School Standards to craft food policies that will contribute to students’ nutritional well-being and health. Use these advocacy tools with local and state level decision makers to ensure the health of North Carolina’s school-age children.

Eat Smart: North Carolina’s Recommended Standards for All Foods Available in School