Education Resources
Children and youth often spend more waking hours in childcare or school than with their families. These facilities have considerable influence on what children or students eat and how they move. Childcare providers, school staff, teachers, parents, superintendents and school board members are examples of powerful advocates for making childcare and school facilities healthy spaces.
North Carolina has more than one million students in the community college, college, and university settings, along with tens of thousands of staff and faculty. The environment of a college campus can support healthy weight behaviors. From the president or chancellor to the student entering college for the first time, each person has a role to play.
Farm To ECE
A success story of Farm To ECE implementation at the Kiddie Academy of Wilmington, NC.
Click a title to learn about Government-specific strategies from the NC Plan to Address Overweight and Obesity. Each strategy represents the best available evidence.
Active Recess
Learn how active recess can help students reach 30 minutes of physical activity each school day.
Be Active Kids
Use this interactive program to promote health in children ages birth to five.
Before-School Walking Programs
Build buy-in and inspire action among stakeholders who aim to promote active communities, safety and transportation options.
BMI Chart
Calculate body mass index, and start a conversation about the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.
Breastfeeding-Friendly Employers and Community Partners Award
Become a breastfeeding-friendly business, community organization, or employer.
Bring Fresh Produce to Your Setting Guide
Help to make fresh fruits and vegetables available to buy in your local worksite, place of worship or neighborhood.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Access program resources that aim to provide nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults in qualifying non-residental care facilities.
Child Care Services Association
Access resources, publications and the latest news in child care.
Child Trends
Access research focused on improving the lives of chidlrean and youth, especially those who are most vulnerable.
Color Me Healthy
Teach children ages four and five that eating healthy and being physically active are fun.
Cook Smart, Eat Smart Cooking School
Learn how to prepare simple, healthy and delicious food for you and your family.
Creating Active Outdoor Play Spaces Guide
Learn how to create play spaces that promote physically active play.
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes
This CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program is an online 12-month lifestyle change program, proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Energizers for Schools
Integrate classroom physical activities with academic concepts.
Build healthy eating and physical activity habits in children through free, easy-to-use online tools.
Growing Communities through Gardens Guide
Start a community garden.
Guide to Making Physical Activity a Part of Meetings, Conference and Events
Include physical activity in meetings, conferences and other events.
Head Start: Nutrition
Access resources to support healthy eating habits and find nutrition assistance information to share with families
Healthy Active Children Policy Module
Review the history, rationale and guidelines for implementing the Healthy Active Children Policy in your school.
Healthy Celebrations and Events Guide
Serve healthier, kid-friendly options during any food-related event or celebration.
Healthy Kids, Healthy Future
Access tools and resources to make a child obesity prevention program in family child care or early care and education settings.
Healthy Meeting Guide
Serve healthier foods at meetings and events.
Making It Work Tool Kit
Use this resource to help breastfeeding mothers return to work.
Motivational Posters
Download and display posters that encourage people to make healthy choices.
Move More, Walk Now
Discover walking tips, tools and guides for walkers, hikers and organizers.
NC Healthy Out-of-School Time Recognition Program
Apply to recognize out-of-school time programs for healthy eating and physical activity practices.
NC Healthy Schools Website
Create a Coordinated School Health Program.
NC State Design Natural Learning Initiative (NIL)
Access design assistance, evaluation, professional development and policy initiatives.
North Carolina Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Designation
Become a breastfeeding-friendly child care center.
North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center
Promote safe and healthy environments in early care and education settings.
Open Use of School Property in North Carolina
Learn about promoting Open Use of School Property in North Carolina.
Promoting Healthy Weight for Young Children
A Blueprint for Preventing Early Childhood Obesity in North Carolina.
School Siting Guide
Get involved with school siting to support physical activity in your community.
Shared Use Agreements and Assessments
Learn about shared use efforts and agreements in North Carolina communities.
Smart Start
Create environments, practices and policies that encourage young children to eat healthy and be physically active.
Snacks and Drinks Guide
Learn about healthier snack and drink options.
Stairwell Guide
Encourage people to move more with a stairwell initiative. Posters are available to download.
Steps to Health, NC State SNAP-Ed
Learn to eat smart, move more, and reduce risk of chronic disease, must be eligible for SNAP to participate.
Stoplight Food Guide
Direct clients to healthier food and drink options with this visual guide.
Walking Map Guide
Promote safe walking routes in your community.
Wayfinding Guide
Implement a wayfinding system to encourage physical activity in your community.
Active Recess
Learn how active recess can help students reach 30 minutes of physical activity each school day.
Be Active Kids
Use this interactive program to promote health in children ages birth to five.
Before-School Walking Programs
Build buy-in and inspire action among stakeholders who aim to promote active communities, safety and transportation options.
BMI Chart
Calculate body mass index, and start a conversation about the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.
Breastfeeding-Friendly Employers and Community Partners Award
Become a breastfeeding-friendly business, community organization, or employer.
Bring Fresh Produce to Your Setting Guide
Help to make fresh fruits and vegetables available to buy in your local worksite, place of worship or neighborhood.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Access program resources that aim to provide nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults in qualifying non-residental care facilities.
Child Care Services Association
Access resources, publications and the latest news in child care.
Child Trends
Access research focused on improving the lives of chidlrean and youth, especially those who are most vulnerable.
Color Me Healthy
Teach children ages four and five that eating healthy and being physically active are fun.
Cook Smart, Eat Smart Cooking School
Learn how to prepare simple, healthy and delicious food for you and your family.
Creating Active Outdoor Play Spaces Guide
Learn how to create play spaces that promote physically active play.
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes
This CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program is an online 12-month lifestyle change program, proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Build healthy eating and physical activity habits in children through free, easy-to-use online tools.
Growing Communities through Gardens Guide
Start a community garden.
Guide to Making Physical Activity a Part of Meetings, Conference and Events
Include physical activity in meetings, conferences and other events.
Head Start: Nutrition
Access resources to support healthy eating habits and find nutrition assistance information to share with families
Healthy Celebrations and Events Guide
Serve healthier, kid-friendly options during any food-related event or celebration.
Healthy Kids, Healthy Future
Access tools and resources to make a child obesity prevention program in family child care or early care and education settings.
Healthy Meeting Guide
Serve healthier foods at meetings and events.
Making It Work Tool Kit
Use this resource to help breastfeeding mothers return to work.
Motivational Posters
Download and display posters that encourage people to make healthy choices.
Move More, Walk Now
Discover walking tips, tools and guides for walkers, hikers and organizers.
NC Healthy Out-of-School Time Recognition Program
Apply to recognize out-of-school time programs for healthy eating and physical activity practices.
NC State Design Natural Learning Initiative (NIL)
Access design assistance, evaluation, professional development and policy initiatives.
North Carolina Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Designation
Become a breastfeeding-friendly child care center.
North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center
Promote safe and healthy environments in early care and education settings.
Smart Start
Create environments, practices and policies that encourage young children to eat healthy and be physically active.
Snacks and Drinks Guide
Learn about healthier snack and drink options.
Stairwell Guide
Encourage people to move more with a stairwell initiative. Posters are available to download.
Steps to Health, NC State SNAP-Ed
Learn to eat smart, move more, and reduce risk of chronic disease, must be eligible for SNAP to participate.
Stoplight Food Guide
Direct clients to healthier food and drink options with this visual guide.
Walking Map Guide
Promote safe walking routes in your community.
Wayfinding Guide
Implement a wayfinding system to encourage physical activity in your community.
Bring Fresh Produce to Your Setting Guide
Help to make fresh fruits and vegetables available to buy in your local worksite, place of worship or neighborhood.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Access program resources that aim to provide nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults in qualifying non-residental care facilities.
Color Me Healthy
Teach children ages four and five that eating healthy and being physically active are fun.
Cook Smart, Eat Smart Cooking School
Learn how to prepare simple, healthy and delicious food for you and your family.
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes
This CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program is an online 12-month lifestyle change program, proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Build healthy eating and physical activity habits in children through free, easy-to-use online tools.
Growing Communities through Gardens Guide
Start a community garden.
Head Start: Nutrition
Access resources to support healthy eating habits and find nutrition assistance information to share with families
Healthy Celebrations and Events Guide
Serve healthier, kid-friendly options during any food-related event or celebration.
Healthy Meeting Guide
Serve healthier foods at meetings and events.
Motivational Posters
Download and display posters that encourage people to make healthy choices.
Snacks and Drinks Guide
Learn about healthier snack and drink options.
Steps to Health, NC State SNAP-Ed
Learn to eat smart, move more, and reduce risk of chronic disease, must be eligible for SNAP to participate.
Stoplight Food Guide
Direct clients to healthier food and drink options with this visual guide.
Active Recess
Learn how active recess can help students reach 30 minutes of physical activity each school day.
Be Active Kids
Use this interactive program to promote health in children ages birth to five.
Before-School Walking Programs
Build buy-in and inspire action among stakeholders who aim to promote active communities, safety and transportation options.
Color Me Healthy
Teach children ages four and five that eating healthy and being physically active are fun.
Cook Smart, Eat Smart Cooking School
Learn how to prepare simple, healthy and delicious food for you and your family.
Creating Active Outdoor Play Spaces Guide
Learn how to create play spaces that promote physically active play.
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes
This CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program is an online 12-month lifestyle change program, proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Build healthy eating and physical activity habits in children through free, easy-to-use online tools.
Guide to Making Physical Activity a Part of Meetings, Conference and Events
Include physical activity in meetings, conferences and other events.
Head Start: Nutrition
Access resources to support healthy eating habits and find nutrition assistance information to share with families
Motivational Posters
Download and display posters that encourage people to make healthy choices.
Move More, Walk Now
Discover walking tips, tools and guides for walkers, hikers and organizers.
Stairwell Guide
Encourage people to move more with a stairwell initiative. Posters are available to download.
Steps to Health, NC State SNAP-Ed
Learn to eat smart, move more, and reduce risk of chronic disease, must be eligible for SNAP to participate.
Walking Map Guide
Promote safe walking routes in your community.
Wayfinding Guide
Implement a wayfinding system to encourage physical activity in your community.
Active Recess
Learn how active recess can help students reach 30 minutes of physical activity each school day.
Before-School Walking Programs
Build buy-in and inspire action among stakeholders who aim to promote active communities, safety and transportation options.
BMI Chart
Calculate body mass index, and start a conversation about the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.
Breastfeeding-Friendly Employers and Community Partners Award
Become a breastfeeding-friendly business, community organization, or employer.
Bring Fresh Produce to Your Setting Guide
Help to make fresh fruits and vegetables available to buy in your local worksite, place of worship or neighborhood.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Access program resources that aim to provide nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults in qualifying non-residental care facilities.
Creating Active Outdoor Play Spaces Guide
Learn how to create play spaces that promote physically active play.
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes
This CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program is an online 12-month lifestyle change program, proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Energizers for Schools
Integrate classroom physical activities with academic concepts.
Growing Communities through Gardens Guide
Start a community garden.
Guide to Making Physical Activity a Part of Meetings, Conference and Events
Include physical activity in meetings, conferences and other events.
Healthy Active Children Policy Module
Review the history, rationale and guidelines for implementing the Healthy Active Children Policy in your school.
Healthy Celebrations and Events Guide
Serve healthier, kid-friendly options during any food-related event or celebration.
Healthy Meeting Guide
Serve healthier foods at meetings and events.
Motivational Posters
Download and display posters that encourage people to make healthy choices.
Move More, Walk Now
Discover walking tips, tools and guides for walkers, hikers and organizers.
NC Healthy Out-of-School Time Recognition Program
Apply to recognize out-of-school time programs for healthy eating and physical activity practices.
NC Healthy Schools Website
Create a Coordinated School Health Program.
NC State Design Natural Learning Initiative (NIL)
Access design assistance, evaluation, professional development and policy initiatives.
Open Use of School Property in North Carolina
Learn about promoting Open Use of School Property in North Carolina.
School Siting Guide
Get involved with school siting to support physical activity in your community.
Shared Use Agreements and Assessments
Learn about shared use efforts and agreements in North Carolina communities.
Snacks and Drinks Guide
Learn about healthier snack and drink options.
Stairwell Guide
Encourage people to move more with a stairwell initiative. Posters are available to download.
Steps to Health, NC State SNAP-Ed
Learn to eat smart, move more, and reduce risk of chronic disease, must be eligible for SNAP to participate.
Stoplight Food Guide
Direct clients to healthier food and drink options with this visual guide.
Walking Map Guide
Promote safe walking routes in your community.
Wayfinding Guide
Implement a wayfinding system to encourage physical activity in your community.
Bring Fresh Produce to Your Setting Guide
Help to make fresh fruits and vegetables available to buy in your local worksite, place of worship or neighborhood.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Access program resources that aim to provide nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults in qualifying non-residental care facilities.
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes
This CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program is an online 12-month lifestyle change program, proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Growing Communities through Gardens Guide
Start a community garden.
Healthy Celebrations and Events Guide
Serve healthier, kid-friendly options during any food-related event or celebration.
Healthy Meeting Guide
Serve healthier foods at meetings and events.
Motivational Posters
Download and display posters that encourage people to make healthy choices.
NC Healthy Schools Website
Create a Coordinated School Health Program.
Snacks and Drinks Guide
Learn about healthier snack and drink options.
Steps to Health, NC State SNAP-Ed
Learn to eat smart, move more, and reduce risk of chronic disease, must be eligible for SNAP to participate.
Stoplight Food Guide
Direct clients to healthier food and drink options with this visual guide.
Active Recess
Learn how active recess can help students reach 30 minutes of physical activity each school day.
Before-School Walking Programs
Build buy-in and inspire action among stakeholders who aim to promote active communities, safety and transportation options.
Creating Active Outdoor Play Spaces Guide
Learn how to create play spaces that promote physically active play.
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes
This CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program is an online 12-month lifestyle change program, proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Energizers for Schools
Integrate classroom physical activities with academic concepts.
Guide to Making Physical Activity a Part of Meetings, Conference and Events
Include physical activity in meetings, conferences and other events.
Healthy Active Children Policy Module
Review the history, rationale and guidelines for implementing the Healthy Active Children Policy in your school.
Motivational Posters
Download and display posters that encourage people to make healthy choices.
Move More, Walk Now
Discover walking tips, tools and guides for walkers, hikers and organizers.
NC Healthy Schools Website
Create a Coordinated School Health Program.
Open Use of School Property in North Carolina
Learn about promoting Open Use of School Property in North Carolina.
School Siting Guide
Get involved with school siting to support physical activity in your community.
Shared Use Agreements and Assessments
Learn about shared use efforts and agreements in North Carolina communities.
Stairwell Guide
Encourage people to move more with a stairwell initiative. Posters are available to download.
Steps to Health, NC State SNAP-Ed
Learn to eat smart, move more, and reduce risk of chronic disease, must be eligible for SNAP to participate.
Walking Map Guide
Promote safe walking routes in your community.
Wayfinding Guide
Implement a wayfinding system to encourage physical activity in your community.
BMI Chart
Calculate body mass index, and start a conversation about the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.
Breastfeeding-Friendly Employers and Community Partners Award
Become a breastfeeding-friendly business, community organization, or employer.
Bring Fresh Produce to Your Setting Guide
Help to make fresh fruits and vegetables available to buy in your local worksite, place of worship or neighborhood.
Creating Active Outdoor Play Spaces Guide
Learn how to create play spaces that promote physically active play.
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes
This CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program is an online 12-month lifestyle change program, proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Growing Communities through Gardens Guide
Start a community garden.
Guide to Making Physical Activity a Part of Meetings, Conference and Events
Include physical activity in meetings, conferences and other events.
Healthy Meeting Guide
Serve healthier foods at meetings and events.
Motivational Posters
Download and display posters that encourage people to make healthy choices.
Move More, Walk Now
Discover walking tips, tools and guides for walkers, hikers and organizers.
NC State Design Natural Learning Initiative (NIL)
Access design assistance, evaluation, professional development and policy initiatives.
Snacks and Drinks Guide
Learn about healthier snack and drink options.
Stairwell Guide
Encourage people to move more with a stairwell initiative. Posters are available to download.
Stoplight Food Guide
Direct clients to healthier food and drink options with this visual guide.
Walking Map Guide
Promote safe walking routes in your community.
Wayfinding Guide
Implement a wayfinding system to encourage physical activity in your community.
Bring Fresh Produce to Your Setting Guide
Help to make fresh fruits and vegetables available to buy in your local worksite, place of worship or neighborhood.
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes
This CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program is an online 12-month lifestyle change program, proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Growing Communities through Gardens Guide
Start a community garden.
Healthy Meeting Guide
Serve healthier foods at meetings and events.
Motivational Posters
Download and display posters that encourage people to make healthy choices.
Snacks and Drinks Guide
Learn about healthier snack and drink options.
Stoplight Food Guide
Direct clients to healthier food and drink options with this visual guide.
Creating Active Outdoor Play Spaces Guide
Learn how to create play spaces that promote physically active play.
Eat Smart, Move More, Prevent Diabetes
This CDC-recognized diabetes prevention program is an online 12-month lifestyle change program, proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Guide to Making Physical Activity a Part of Meetings, Conference and Events
Include physical activity in meetings, conferences and other events.
Motivational Posters
Download and display posters that encourage people to make healthy choices.
Move More, Walk Now
Discover walking tips, tools and guides for walkers, hikers and organizers.
Stairwell Guide
Encourage people to move more with a stairwell initiative. Posters are available to download.
Walking Map Guide
Promote safe walking routes in your community.
Wayfinding Guide
Implement a wayfinding system to encourage physical activity in your community.
BMI Chart
Calculate body mass index, and start a conversation about the importance of maintaining a healthy weight.
Breastfeeding-Friendly Employers and Community Partners Award
Become a breastfeeding-friendly business, community organization, or employer.
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Access program resources that aim to provide nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults in qualifying non-residental care facilities.
Child Trends
Access research focused on improving the lives of chidlrean and youth, especially those who are most vulnerable.
Color Me Healthy
Teach children ages four and five that eating healthy and being physically active are fun.
Cook Smart, Eat Smart Cooking School
Learn how to prepare simple, healthy and delicious food for you and your family.
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less Program
Participate in a 15-week group weight management program.
EFNEP’s Families Resource
Provide nutrition education to limited-resource families. Handouts are available in Spanish and English.
Making It Work Tool Kit
Use this resource to help breastfeeding mothers return to work.
NC State Design Natural Learning Initiative (NIL)
Access design assistance, evaluation, professional development and policy initiatives.
North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center
Promote safe and healthy environments in early care and education settings.
Promoting Healthy Weight for Young Children
A Blueprint for Preventing Early Childhood Obesity in North Carolina.